le player de génériques

Tenants of my head (Roze)    twitter 

It often happens that I remember with nostalgia
When I was the sole and unique tenant of my head
Before that invite themselves fears doubt and hysteria
And that all these people prevent me to go ahead

No matter how much you are in my mind
I would like so much you find
Find away to make make it alright yeah

And the we tried to seat around a table
Then everyone share his throughts
But no one is fuckin'able
Able to speak each turn
Sentences and words intermingle
Then everyone raises his voice
To finally arrive at a simple incessant noise

No matter how much you are in my mind
I would like so much you find
Find away to make make it alright yeah

I start to resign myself to the fact I'll never be alone
The damage is, the damage is done
I don't even know if I can say that my head is mine
Or if my head is yours now
Or if my head is yours now
Or if my head is no longer mine

No matter how much you are in my mind
I would like so much you find
Find away to make make it alright

No matter how much you are in my mind
I would like so much you find
Find away to make make it alright yeah

No matter how much you are in my mind
I would like so much you find
Find away to make make it alright

No matter how much you are in my mind
I would like so much you find
Find away to make make it alright

 - Tenants of my head

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 2018
Album : Q&A
Origine : France
Interprète : Roze
Compositeur : Grégory Castanet, Laurent Robin, Florian Meyer

Fiche ajoutée par Blondie.
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  Je parle souvent avec Dorothée , je porte des lunettes de soleil et j'ai les oreilles rose parce que j'ai mangé trop de fleurs. Qui suis je ?
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