le player de génériques

All together now (Reprise des Beatles) (Red Rose)    twitter 

One two three four
Can I have a little more
Five six seven eight nine ten
I love you
Can I bring my friend to tea
I love you

Bom bom bom bompa bom
Sail the ship bompa bom
Chop the tree bompa bom
Skip the rope bompa bom
Look at me !
All together now !

All together now !
(All together now !)
All together now !
(All together now !)
All together now !
(All together now !)
All together now !
(All together now !)

Black white green red
Can I take my friend to bed
Pink brown yellow orange and blue
I love you !

Bom bom bom bompa bom
Sail the ship bompa bom
Chop the tree bompa bom
Skip the rope bompa bom
Look at me !
All together now !

All together now
(All together now)
All together now
(All together now)
All together now
(All together now)
All together now
(All together now)

Black white green red
Can I take my friend to bed
Pink brown yellow orange and blue
I love you
All together now !

All together now
(All together now)
All together now
(All together now)
All together now
(All together now)
All together now
(All together now)

Black white green red
Can I take my friend to bed
Pink brown yellow orange and blue
I love you !
(All together now)

All...together...nooow !

 - All together now (Reprise des Beatles)

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 2012
Album : Yellow Submarine
Origine : United Kingdom
Interprète : Red Rose
Compositeur : John Winston Lennon-Paul James McCartney

Liens d'intérêt
Yellow Submarinbe

Fiche ajoutée par Tigrette.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Je parle souvent avec Dorothée , je porte des lunettes de soleil et j'ai les oreilles rose parce que j'ai mangé trop de fleurs. Qui suis je ?
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