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I'd Do Anything (Simple Plan)    twitter 

Another day is going by

i'm thinking about you all the time

but you're out there

and i'm here waiting

and i wrote this letter in my head

'cuz so many thing were left unsaid

but now you're gone

and i can't think straight

this could be the one last chance

to make you understand

i'd do anything

just to hold you in my arms

to try to make you laugh

somehow i can't put you in the past

i'd do anything

just to fall asleep with you

will you remember me?

'cuz i know

i won't forget you

together we broke all the rules

dreaming of dropping out of school

and leave this place

to never come back

so now maybe after all these years

if you miss me have no fear

i'll be here

i'll be waiting

this could be the one last chance to make you understand

and i just can't let you leave me once again

i close my eyes

and all i see is you

i close my eyes

i try to sleep

i can't forget you

nanana (....)

and i'd do anything for you

i'd do anything

to fall asleep with you

i'd do anything

there's nothing i won't do

i'd do anything

to fall asleep with you

i'd do anything

'cuz i know

i won't forget you

 - I'd Do Anything

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 2002
Album : No Pads, No Helmets... Just Balls
Origine : Canada
Interprète : Simple Plan
Compositeur : Pierre Bouvier - Chuck Comeau - Arnold Lanni - Sébastien Lefebvre - Jeff Stinco

Fiche ajoutée par aioros22.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Si tu as 5 ans et que tu es venu avec ton papa, ta mamie, ta tata, ton tonton qui tient la caméra et qui a bu trop de vin avant de venir, tu es le bienvenu dans cette émission !
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