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Rhythm inside (Loïc Nottet)    twitter 

Listen to the sound of thunder
Rolling in the soul down under
Far beneath the skin, it rumbles
Step to the step of the drum that rolls inside
Be you enemy or lover
We are put here to discover
The heart that beats within each other
We gonna rapppabab tonight

And if we die , tomorrow
What’ll we have to show
For the wicked ways
Down below
The rhythm inside is telling us
We can fly tomorrow
On the beautiful wind that blows
On a cosmic track, love attack
I‘m gonna get that rhythm back

Be you enemy or brother
We were put here to discover
The heart that beats within each other
We’re gonna rompanpan ...

And if we die, tomorrow
What’ll we have to show
For the wicked ways
Down below
The rhythm inside is telling us
We can fly tomorrow
On the beautiful wind that blows
On a cosmic track, love attack
I‘m gonna get that rhythm back

 - Rhythm inside

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 2015
Album : Rhythm inside
Origine : Belqigue
Interprète : Loïc Nottet
Compositeur : Loïc Nottet

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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