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The Riddle (Nik Kershaw)    twitter 

I've got two strong arms
blessings of babylon
with time to carry on and try
for sins and false alarms
so do america the brave
wise men save

Near a tree by a river
there's a hole in the ground
where an old man of Aran
goes around and around
and his mind is a beacon
in the veil of the night
for a strange kind of fashion
there's a wrong and a right
he'll never, never fight over you

I got plans for us
nights in the scullery
and days instead of me
i only know what to discuss
of for anything but light
wise men fighting over you

It's not me you see
pieces of valentine
with just a song of mine
to keep from burning history
seasons of gasoline and gold
wise men fold

Near a tree by a river
there's a hole in the ground
where an old man of aran
goes around and around
and his mind is a beacon
in the veil of the night
for a strange kind of fashion
there's a wrong and a right
but he'll never, never fight over you

I got time to kill
sly looks in corridors
without a plan of yours
a blackbird sings on bluebird hill
thanks to the calling of the wild
wise mens child.

Near a tree by a river
there's a hole in the ground
where an old man of Aran
goes around and around
and his mind is a beacon
in the veil of the night
for a strange kind of fashion
there's a wrong and a right
he'll never, never fight over you

Near a tree by a river
there's a hole in the ground
where an old man of Aran
goes around and around
and his mind is a beacon
in the veil of the night
for a strange kind of fashion
there's a wrong and a right
he'll never, never fight over you
no, he'll never, never fight over you

 - The Riddle

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1984
Album : The Riddle
Origine : Angleterre
Interprète : Nik Kershaw
Compositeur : Nik Kershaw

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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