le player de génériques

Phantom of the Paradise - Goodbye Eddie, goodbye ()    twitter 

Interprété par The JuicyFruits

We'll remember you forever, Eddie
Through the sacrifice you made
We can't believe the price you paid
For love....For love

Little Eddie Mitty born in Jersey City
Started singing when he was five
Never knew his father, mother didn't bother
To catch his last name fast as he came

He was off and flying
Times were really trying
Eddie and his mother alone
Soon another mister, soon a baby sister
Mama kept swinging and Eddie kept singing Ah

Ya ya ya ya ya
Ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya
Ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya
Ya ya ya ya for love for love...

And now the tragic story
Eddie's sister, Mary Louise, needed an operation
To get the money he would have to become, an overnight sensation
Eddie believed the American people
Had wonderful, love-giving hearts
His well publicized end, he considered would send
His memorial album to the top of the charts and it did !

Ya ya ya ya ya
Ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya
Ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya
Ya ya ya ya goodbye, goodbye...

When a young singer dies to our shock and surprise
In a plane crash or flashy sports car
He becomes quite well known
And the kindness he's shown, has made more than one post mortem star
Well you did it Eddie, and though it's hard to applaud suicide
You gave all you could, give so your sister could live
All America's choked up inside, man

We'll remember you forever Eddie
Through the sacrifice you made
we can't believe the price you paid
For love For love For love !
Ah ah ah ah !

 - Phantom of the Paradise - Goodbye Eddie, goodbye

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1974
Film : Phantom of the Paradise
Origine : USA
Compositeur : Paul H.Williams

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Fiche ajoutée par Tigrette.
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