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Arizona Dream - In the death car (Iggy Pop)    twitter 

A howling wind is whistling in the night
My dog is growling in the dark
Something's pulling me outside
To ride around in circles
I know that you have got the time
Coz anything I want, you do
You'll take a ride through the strangers
Who don't understand how to feel
In the deathcar, we're alive
In the deathcar, we're alive

(Pont musical)

I'll let some air come in the window
Kind of wakes me up a little
I don't turn on the radio
Coz they play shit, like.... You know
When your hand was down on my dick
It felt quite amazing
And now that, that is all over
All we've got is the silence
In the deathcar, we're alive
In the deathcar, we're alive
So come on mandolins, play !

(Pont musical)

When I touched you
I felt that you still had your baby fat
And a little taste of baby's breath
Makes me forget about death
At your age you're still joking
It ain't time yet for the choking
So now we can own the movie
And know each other truly
In the deathcar, we're alive
In the deathcar, we're alive

 - Arizona Dream - In the death car

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1993
Film : Arizona Dream
Origine : France-USA
Interprète : Iggy Pop
Compositeur : Iggy Pop-Dominique Marfisi
Goran Bregović-Gabrielle Baldassari-Dominique Marfisi-Philippe Ol

Liens d'intérêt
Emir Kusturica

Fiche ajoutée par Tigrette.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Mon meilleur ami se fait régulièrement jeter hors de la splendide demeure où je vis par la peau des fesses! Il faut dire que son style (que j'adore) ne se marie ni avec l'endroit, ni avec les gens, surtout pas avec la fille de la maison ! Quant à moi, ici, je suis le Roi ! Ou plutôt...
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