le player de génériques

African Baby (G.G Anderson)    twitter 


Warm is the night and we are sitting here 'round the fire
(Chiquita ! Chiquita !)
The air is dry and thousands of stars in the sky
(Chiquita ! Chiquita !)
Drums that are beating so hot and I feel the desire
(Chiquita ! Chiquita !)
To dance with Juana but she is looking so shy !
(Chiquita ! Chiquita ! Chiquita !)

"I'll come back, african baby
Night and day I'm thinking of you
Like sunlight, my african lady
I'll return you know it's true"

Midnight is near and she's lying in my arms and deep dreaming
(Chiquita ! Chiquita !)
The fire is small and the coldness brings her to my heart
(Chiquita ! Chiquita !)
I look in her eyes and I see a strange kind of feeling
(Chiquita ! Chiquita !)
Maybe she knows that tomorrow I'll have to go !
(Chiquita ! Chiquita ! Chiquita !)

"I'll come back, african baby
Night and day I'm thinking of you
Like sunlight, my african lady
I'll return you know it's true

"I'll come back, african baby
Night and day I'm thinking of you
Oh Yeah !
Like sunlight, my african lady
I'll return you know it's true
Oh ahawww !
I'll come back, african baby
Night and day I'm thinking of you
Like sunlight, my african lady
I'll return you know it's true
Oh Yeah !
ad lib..."

 - African Baby

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1980
Album : Always ans ever
Origine : Allemagne
Interprète : G.G Anderson
Compositeur : Dietrich Bernd, Grabowski Grabo Gerd

Liens d'intérêt
G.G Anderson

Fiche ajoutée par Tigrette.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Shakespeare, Britney Spears, ou les deux ? Bravo, vous gagnez un miam... il s'agit évidemment de ?
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