le player de génériques

Hey Goldmember (Beyonce)    twitter 

Solid gold
Solid Gold
(Its Gold)

Its Gold, Its Gold
Its Gold, Its Gold
Its Solid Gold, Baby!

Its Gold, Its Gold
Its Gold, Its Gold
Its Solid Gold, Baby

Hes got the Midas Touch
But, he touched it too Much!
Hey Goldmember!
Hey Goldmember!
Hes Got a Golden Pad
Hes super Bad!
Hey Goldmember!
Hey Goldmember!

Goldie Goldie Goldie
Gold Gold Gold

Goldie Goldie Goldie
Gold Gold Gold

Goldie Goldie Goldie
Gold Gold Gold

Goldie Goldie Goldie
Gold Gold Gold

Hes got the Midas Touch
But, he touched it too Much!
Hey Goldmember!
Hey Goldmember!
Your Gettin Down tonight
Your dynamite!
Hey Goldmember!
Hey Goldmember!

Cuz Thats the way
Uh huh Uh huh
He Likes it
Uh huh Uh huh
He loves it!
He loves it!

Cuz Thats the way
Uh huh Uh huh
He Likes it
Uh huh Uh huh
He loves it!
He loves it!

Hes got the Midas Touch
But, he touched it too Much!
Hey Goldmember!
Hey Goldmember!
Hes from the Netherlands
Thats where he learned to dance!
Hey Goldmember!
Hey Goldmember!

Its Gold, Its Gold
Its Gold, Its Gold
Its Solid Gold, Baby!

Its Gold, Its Gold
Its Gold, Its Gold
Its Solid Gold, Baby!

Its Gold, Its Gold
Its Gold, Its Gold
Its Solid Gold, Baby!

Its Gold, Its Gold
Its Gold, Its Gold
Its Solid Gold, Baby

 - Hey Goldmember

Variétés - Infos
Album : BO
Film : Austin Powers, Goldmember -Beyonce - Goldmember
Origine : USA
Interprète : Beyonce

Fiche ajoutée par doludo.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

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