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More than a woman (911)    twitter 

More than a woman

Oh girl I've know you very well
I've seen you growing every day
I never really looked before
But now you take my breath away
Suddenly you're in my life
Part of everything I do
You've got me working day and night
Just trying to keep a hold on you

Here in your arms I've found my paradise
My only chance for happiness
And if I lose you now I think I would die
Oh say you'll always be my baby
We can make it shine
We can take forever
Just a minute at a time, oh-oh

More than a woman
More than a woman to me, baby
More than a woman (more than a woman)
More than a woman to me

More than a woman
Do-do-do-do Oh girl

 - More than a woman

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1998
Interprète : 911
Compositeur : GIBB BARRY ALAN

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Un ancien pilote disparu devenu ninja va avec son fils pratiquer son art martial pour combattre le crime. Cet homme est ... ?
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