le player de génériques

A Kind of Magic (Queen)    twitter 

It's a kind of magic,
It's a kind of magic,
A kind of magic,

One dream, one soul, one prize,
One goal, one golden glance of what should be,

It's a kind of magic,

One shaft of light that shows the way,
No mortal man can win this day,

It's a kind of magic,

The bell that rings inside your mind,
Is a challenging the doors of time,

It's a kind of magic,

The waiting seems eternity,
The day will dawn of sanity,

Is this a kind of magic,
(It's a kind of magic)
There can be only one,
This rage that lasts a thousand years
Will soon be done,

This flame that burns inside of me,
I'm hearing secret harmonies

It's a kind of magic,

The bell that rings inside your mind,
Is challenging the doors of time,

It's a kind of magic,
It's a kind of magic,

This rage that lasts a thousand years,
Will soon be will soon be,
Will soon be done,

This is (this is) a kind (a kind) of magic (yeah),
There can be only one one one one,
This rage that lasts a thousand years,
Will soon be done, done,

Magic, it's a kind of magic,
It's a kind of magic, magic, magic, magic, magic,

It's magic,

It's a kind of magic.

 - A Kind of Magic

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1986
Interprète : Queen

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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  En 1564 Nostradamus a prédit la destruction de la terre en trois vagues. La première a commencé mais moi Cade Foster je me dresse devant l'envahisseur et tente de les repousser. Quelle est cette série ?
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