le player de génériques

Step By Step (Koxo)    twitter 

Keep keep on
Step by step
Step by step
Step by step
Step by step

Saturday night it seems all right
But my Chevy Chevy won't start
Oh what the h*** do do do I do now
I know I gotta move
I gotta walk right now

Keep keep on
Step by step
Step by step
Step by step
Step by step

I'm walking along along the city lights
You know I don't don't want to be late
The Apple looks so big and wild tonight
But now I gotta make a move
I gotta walk right now

Keep keep on
Step by step
Step by step
Step by step
Step by step

Keep keep on jump to the beat
You gotta bop to the top, gotta get all down
Keep keep on jump to the beat
Gotta shake till you brake you mustn't hesitate
Keep keep on jump to the beat

Saturday night the light's alright
I'm shaking with my baby
Et alors ? On peut savoir où t'as été jusqu'à maintenant ?
J'ai marché toute le soir
I've been walking

Keep keep on
Step by step Step by step
Step by step
Step by step

The DJ is playing the Koxo sound
And it makes me feel all right
Now everybody's dancing to the beat
'cause I remember I've been walking walking

Keep keep on
Step by step
Step by step
Step by step
Step by step

Keep keep on jump to the beat
You gotta bop to the top, gotta get all down
Keep keep on jump to the beat
Gotta shake till you brake you mustn't hesitate
Keep keep on jump to the beat

The DJ is playing the Koxo sound
And it makes me feel all right
Now everybody's dancing to the beat
'cause I remember I've been walking walking

Keep keep on
Step by step
Well step it all around
Step by step
Groove groove groove it all around
Step by step
No no mustn't hesitate
Step by step

Gotta keep in...
All around the town going upside down
Step by step going step by step
Pam Pam been out to go
... down all around the town

Step by step
Step by step
Step by step

 - Step By Step

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1982
Interprète : Koxo

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Pas de quoi se prendre pour Schumacher, mais c'est déjà amusant! Il y a même le "bruit" du moteur dans mon titre! Car je m'appelle...
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