le player de génériques

Slave to the Rhythm (Grace Jones)    twitter 

You work all day and men who know
The wheels must turn to keep the flow
Oh, oh, oh

Build on up, don't break the chain,
Sparks will fly when the whistle blows

Oh, oh
Oh, oh, slave to the rhythm
Oh, oh
Oh, oh, slave to the rhythm

Work to the rhythm! Mm-hm.

Build on up, don't break the chain,
Sparks will fly when the whistle blows
Fire burns, hearts beat strong
Sing out loud, the chain gang song

Oh, oh
Oh, oh, slave to the rhythm
Oh, oh
Oh, oh, slave to the rhythm

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, slave to the rhythm
Oh, oh
Oh, oh, slave to the rhythm

Never stop the action
Oh, never stop the action
Never stop the action
Keep it up, keep it up
Never stop the action



Slave to the rhythm!
Keep it up, keep it up!
Never stop! Never stop!
Keep it up!

Work to the rhythm!
Slave to the rhythm! A-ha.
Live to the rhythm!
Love to the rhythm! A-ha.

 - Slave to the Rhythm

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1985
Interprète : Grace Jones

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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