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Jeopardy (Greg Kihn Band)    twitter 

Where were you
When I needed you
Well you could not be found
What can I do
Oh I believed in you
You're running me around

Well you can take it as a warning
Or take it anyway you like
It's the lightning not the thunder
You never know where it's gonna strike

Our love's in jeopardy, baby ooh
Our love's in jeopardy, baby oooh

Don't be cute
Don't be funny now
It's later than you think
Oh what's the use
Save your money now
It's hanging on the brink

Don't let go while I'm hanging on
'Cause I been hanging on so long
It's so hard to be all alone
I know you're not that strong

Our love's in jeopardy, baby oooh
Our love's in jeopardy, baby oooh

Don't let go while I'm hanging on
'Cause I been hanging on so long
It's so hard to be all alone
I know you're not that strong

 - Jeopardy

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1983
Album : Kihnspiracy
Origine : États-Unis
Interprète : Greg Kihn Band

Fiche ajoutée par fulguropoings.
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  Je suis un fidèle compagnon, et avec ma maitresse nous sortons toujours du pétrin, notre cher oncle. Je suis ?
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