le player de génériques

P.-Machinery (Propaganda)    twitter 

Motor - power -
forks - motion -
drive - motor -
forks - motion -
drive - motor -
forks - motion -
drive - power -
forks - motion -
drive - propaganda -

On joyless lanes we walk in lines
a calm but steady flow.
Accompanied by loud commands
our strength is running low.

Another hope feeds another dream

another truth installed by the machine.
A secret wish
the marrying of lies

today comes true what common sense denies.

Rotating wheels are destiny
in flame the city lies.
Machines call out for followers far out into the night.
The calls of the machines drowning in the steam.
Another hope feeds another dream

another truth installed by the machine.
A secret wish
the marrying of lies

today comes true what common sense denies.

The calls of the machines drowning in the steam.
On joyless lanes we walk in lines
a calm but steady flow.
Our strength is running low.
Another hope - another dream - another truth -
installed by the machine - installed by the machine.

 - P.-Machinery

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1985
Interprète : Propaganda

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Nous avons fait un long périple à travers le temps depuis l'an 2484 jusqu'au XXème siècle afin de retrouver une formule mathématique qui permettrait de sauver la Terre. Nous faisons partie de...
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