le player de génériques

Cenerentola (Martinelli)    twitter 

As the day now comes to the ending
and the neon lights up the city
There's a girl who's tired of waiting
When it's time I'm sure she'll be ready

And you know where she'll go
she's the star of the night show

She's been hiding behind the windows
She's been hiding under her nice clothes
Now she's dressing up for the disco
You can bet her spirits are not low

And you know where she'll go
she's the star of the night show

This must be her night
Cinderella's in the light
Oh now can't you see her eyes
they're shining bright

everything looks right
I don't know what she will find
But her change has come alive

Cinderella's life will be changing every night
She's the star, yes she's the sight
and she knows
Oh what's on her mind
Cinderella's flying high
Will we ever you and I

Now the moment's near to the count-down
Everybody's heading for downtown
And they're searching all for the right sound
Pretty girls are fighting for the crown

And you know where she'll go
she's the star of the night show

She's been hiding behind the windows
She's been hiding under her nice clothes
Now she's dressing up for the disco
You can bet her spirits are not low

And you know where she'll go
she's the star of the night show

Cinderella's life will be changing every night
She's the star, yes she's the sight
and she knows
Oh what's on her mind
Cinderella's flying high
Will we ever you and I

 - Cenerentola

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1985
Interprète : Martinelli

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Dans cette adaptation étrange et post-moderne du Magicien d'Oz, une reine a deux filles. Toutes deux partent en quête de la pierre d'émeraude qui plongera à jamais leur monde dans la lumière ou l'obscurité? De quelle série s'agit-il ?
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