le player de génériques

Will you (Hazel O' Connor)    twitter 

You drink your coffee
And I sip my tea
And we're sitting here
Playing so cool
Thinking, what will be will be

But's getting kind of late now
Oh I wonder if you'll stay now,
Stay now, stay now, stay now
Or will you just politely
Say goodnight.

I move a little closer to you
Not knowing quite what to do
And I'm feeling all finger and thumbs
I spill my tea
Oh silly me

But's getting kind of late now
I wonder if you'll stay now,
Stay now, stay now, stay now
Or will you just politely
Say goodnight.

And then we touch
Much too much
This moment has been waited for a long long time
Make me shiver, 'n' makes me quiver
This moment I'm so unsure
This moment I've waited for
Oh is it somerthing you've been waiting for
Waiting for too

Take up your eyes
Bare your soul
Gather me to you
And make me whole
Tell me your secrets
Sing me the song
Sing it to me in the silent tongue

But's getting kind of late now
I wonder if you'll stay now,
Stay now, stay now, stay now
Or will you just politely
Say goodnight

 - Will you

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1980
Interprète : Hazel O' Connor

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Je suis née en 1937 et je suis apparue pour la première fois dans "Pulp Magazine". Mes parents ont été tués dans un safari et c'est une sorcière africaine qui m'a élévée. Aujourd'hui, je communique avec les animaux. Je suis ?
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