le player de génériques

Ready to follow you (Dana Dawson)    twitter 

I'm sitting all alone and thinking
The only thought I had is you
Wherever you may be
One day you'll come to me
I'll be ready to follow you...

The plans that we have made together
No matter whether they may come true
I will stay by your side
And I will never change my mind
I'll be ready to follow you

They say we're young
But together we're strong
And we're clever as long
As it's love we are following
It's love for me and you
Believe me
I'll be ready to follow you, da ra da ra ta

I'll be ready to follow you

If anybody knows the future
I wish they could tell you
That you will always feel the same
There'll be no one to blame
I'll be ready to follow you

They say we're young
But together we're strong
And we're clever as long
As it's love we are following
It's love for me and you
Believe me
I'll be ready to follow you...

I'll be ready to follow you...

The only thought I have is you...

 - Ready to follow you

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1991
Interprète : Dana Dawson

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Mon nom sonne très "cinéma", mais je ne suis ni Paris, ni Hollywood, ni Bombay . En plus d'être une ville immensément importante, je suis aussi le titre de cette série
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