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Anna Ballerina - My love is a tango (Anna - My love is a tango)    twitter 

"My love is a tango"

My love is a tango
When love is in sight
Love’s like a tango
And love needs the night
Each tango is a love song
‘Cause tango means love
Wanna tango the tango
Love my love

Do you like my dancing
When you get into
The dancing mood?
Night is so romancing
I want to be with you

Do you like romancin’
When you get into
Romancin’ mood
Life can be like dancing
Only because I love you

My love is a tango
When love is in sight
Love’s like a tango
And love needs the night
Each tango is a love song
‘Cause tango means love
Wanna tango the tango
Love my love
My love is a tango
When love is in sight
Love’s like a tango
And love needs the night
Each tango is a love song
‘Cause tango means love
Wanna tango the tango
Love my love

Wanna tango the tango
Love my love!
I Wanna tango the tango
Love my love !

Anna Ballerina - My love is a tango - Anna - My love is a tango

TV Series - Infos
Original title : Anna Ballerina - My love is a tango
Number of episodes : 6
Number of seasons : 1
Composer : Sigi Schwab
Performer : Guillermo Marchena
Actors : Silvia Seidel, Patrick Bach, Milena Vukotic
João Ramos, Ilse Neubauer, Eberhard Feik, Ronnie Janot
1st french broadcasting : 1988

Good links
Fiche IMDb
Fernsehserien (ge)
Oeuvre de Justus Pfaue
Oeuvre de Sigi Schwab

Form added by Tigrette.
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