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.hack//SIGN - The World    twitter 

You are here alone again
In your sweet insanity
All too calm, you hide yourself from reality
Do you call it solitude? Do you call it liberty?
When all the world turns away to leave you lonely

The fields are filled with desires
All voices crying for freedom
But all in vain they will fade away
There's only you to answer you, forever

In blinded mind you are singing
A glorious hallelujah
The distant flutter of angels
They're all too far, too far to reach for you

I am here alone again
In my sweet serenity
Hoping you will ever find me in any place
I will call it solitude when all my songs fade in vain
In my voice, far away to eternity

The World - The World

Animes japonais récents - Infos
Titre Original : The World
Anime : .hack//SIGN
Album : Original Sound Track 1

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Fiche Animeka

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Shakespeare, Britney Spears, ou les deux ? Bravo, vous gagnez un miam... il s'agit évidemment de ?
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