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Argento Soma - A Wonderfull World    twitter 

High above the beautiful sky
Listen to the whispering words of the wind, blessing on you
Gentle wind blows up on a hill
Sing a song of lightly birds of the charm, touching on you

It's calling your name, warming your heart
Darling, if you could be pleased to be here
It's calling my name, warming my heart
Praying for you to be happy and joy
Merciful days

And so it's calling your name, warming your heart
Darling, if you could see a wonderful world
It's calling my name, warming my heart
Praying for you to be happy and joy
Graceful days

When the sunset flowing the sky
Twinkle stars are shining on you in your days, bright and spark
Moonlight glows a magical view
Leading to the secrets hiding in the woods, way to be wise

It's calling your name, warming your heart
Darling, if you could be pleased to be here
It's calling my name, warming my heart
Praying for you to be happy and joy
Merciful days

And so it's calling your name, warming your heart
Darling, if you could see a wonderful world
It's calling my name, warming my heart
Praying for you to be happy and joy
Graceful days

A Wonderfull World (English version) - A Wonderfull World

Animes japonais récents - Infos
Titre Original : A Wonderfull World (English version)
Anime : Argento Soma
Artiste : Katsuhisa Hattori
Année de diffusion de l'album : 2001

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