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Soul Edge (Soul Blade) - The Edge of Soul    twitter 

Narrateur : "Transcending history and the world, a tale of soul and swords eternally told"

To love! To shine!

We all need to shine on, to see
how far we've come on our journey
How far yet to go, searching for our star

Deep in the night, I pray in my heart
for that special light
to shower me with love
to shower me with power
to shine from above

I got to get to the Edge of Soul, to carry on what I believed in from the
very start
I got to get to the Edge of Soul, to carry on deep in my heart

To love, to shine (2x)

Come strip down and face it, your all
About time you broke down your wall
Free your mind
A brand new world waits for you, you'll find

Nobody can just do it for you
It's time that you knew
It's up to you to love
it's up to you to shine
the light true and blue

You got to get to the Edge of Soul, to carry on what you believed in from
the very start

You got to get to the Edge of Soul, to carry on, deep in your heart

You got to get to the Edge of Soul, to carry on what you believed in from
the very start (3x)

You got to get to the Edge of Soul, to carry on, deep in your heart

To love, to shine! (2x)

To love!

The Edge of Soul - The Edge of Soul

video games - Infos
Original title : The Edge of Soul
Game : Soul Edge (Soul Blade)
Manufacturer : Namco
Plateforms : PlayStation
Performer : Khan
Composer : Khan
Year of the game : 1997 (France/USA) - 1996 (Japon)

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Form added by Yoruichi.
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