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Grandia III - In The Sky    twitter 

akogarete iru sora wo mezashite
shounen wa te wo nobashita
todoku to shinjite utagai mo sezu
sore ga saisho no yume
ima kimi no ue ni
onaji sora ga aru
hora kimi wo machitsudzukeru

When I fly in the sky
kono sekai koete
kanjite mitai that's imagination
kokoro no chikai
sono negai daite
yume wa hirogatteku yo
kagayaku sora e to Amazing

utsumuita tte kizutsuita tte
kimi wa yume wo mamotte
akiramenaide sora wa kimi wo
misutetari wa shinai

When I fly in the sky
kono sekai koete
tashikamete mitai that's imagination
kono kagiri nai
hateshinai omoi
yume wa hirogatteku yo
kagayaku sora e to Amazing

Everyday Everywhere
ano hi no kimi ga
soko ni iru no sa kimi to issho ni

akogarete iru sora wo mezashite
todoku to shinjite utagai mo sezu
My Dream

When I fly in the sky
I'm Feeling
kanjite mitai that's imagination
kokoro no chikai
sono negai daite
yume wa hirogatteku yo
kagayaku sora e to Amazing

In The Sky - Opening Song - In The Sky

video games - Infos
Original title : In The Sky - Opening Song
Game : Grandia III
Manufacturer : Game Arts
Plateforms : PlayStation 2
Performer : Miz
Year of the game : 2006 (USA) - 2005 (Japon)

Form added by Yoruichi.
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