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Vocaloid - B Who I Want 2 B    twitter 

If you think I need you, boy
You clearly made a big mistake
hitori ja irarenai no wa anata
watashi dake no YURISHISU wo motomeru

All my friends keep asking me, on the daily
All the boys in Tokyo Town, must be crazy
'Cause half those guys are chasing me
I'm like "maybe" 'cause they couldn't give me that

I don't need, don't need anyone to be who I want to be
I'm the only one
risou wo kasou de yume miru MO-DO no Tokyo Pygmalion

When you first saw me around
Dressing up and getting down
(Down in the club with all my friends laughing)
Fashion boys and millionaires
kawashita wa minna KOPI-KYA-TO

All my friends keep asking me, are you happy?
Happy as a girl can be, are you happy?
I'm actually ecstatic, I'm so happy
jiyuu sae matoeba

I don't need, don't need anyone to be who I want to be
I'm the only one
risou wo kasou de yume miru MO-DO no Tokyo Pygmalion

I-I-I don't-don't need, don't need anyone to do what-what I want to do
I'm the only one
Now I'm not saying I don't want what you're giving
But you couldn't give me that

I don't need, don't need anyone to do what I want to do
yume shibaru nara machi mo (It's just that) anata mo BABIRON

I don't need, don't need anyone to be who I want to be
I'm the only one
risou wo kasou de yume miru MO-DO no Tokyo Pygmalion

It's not because I want you to hold my hand
And it's not because I need someone to understand
And it's definitely not 'cause
(I don't need, don't need anyone to do what I want to do
I'm the only one)
Now I'm not saying I don't want what your giving
(It's just that, it's just that...)
But you couldn't give me that.

B Who I Want 2 B - B Who I Want 2 B

video games - Infos
Original title : B Who I Want 2 B
Game : Vocaloid
Manufacturer : SEGA
Plateforms : PSP
Performer : Namie Amuro
Composer : SOPHIE
Year of the game : 2007

Form added by coucoucircus.
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