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Cartoons - Cobra space adventure - The movie - Drive Driven by Yello (Cobra - Le Film - Version Yello - Drive Driven)    twitter 

You gotta look in my eyes
You got it
You drive me out of my mind

Drive, driven
Gave, given
It's dangerous to stay
And I say
Drive, driven
Gave, given
I gave myself away

You drive me crazy
You're lazy
Calling my name
You drive me crazy
You're lazy
Out of my mind
'Cause you're a diva
I'm a believer
'Cause you're a diva
I'm a believer

You gotta give me a number of games
You got it
You gotta give me a number of names

Drive, driven
Gave, given
It's dangerous to stay
And I say
Drive, driven
Gave, given
I gave myself away

You drive me crazy
You're lazy
Calling my name
You drive me crazy
You're lazy
Out of my mind
'Cause you're a diva
I'm a believer
'Cause you're a diva
I'm a believer

Cobra space adventure - The movie - Drive Driven by Yello - Cobra - Le Film - Version Yello - Drive Driven

Cartoons - Infos
Origin : Japon
Original title : Cobra space adventure - The movie - Drive Driven by Yello
Number of episodes : 1 film
Performer : Yello
1st French broadcasting : 1995
1st French broadcasting channel : 1995 (dvd)
Cartoon Author : Buichi Terasawa (manga)
Production : Tôkyô Movie Shinsha

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