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Cartoons - (Aladdin - Arabian Nights - Jonathan Young)    twitter 

Oh I come from a land, from a faraway place
Where the caravan camels roam
Where it's flat and immense
And the heat is intense
It's barbaric, but hey, it's home

When the wind's from the east
And the sun's from the west
And the sand in the glass is right
Come on down
Stop on by
Hop a carpet and fly
To another Arabian night

Arabian nights
Like Arabian days
More often than not
Are hotter than hot
In a lot of good ways

Arabian nights
'Neath Arabian moons
A fool off his guard
Could fall and fall hard
Out there on the dunes

 - Aladdin - Arabian Nights - Jonathan Young

Cartoons - Infos
Origin : Etats-Unis
Performer : Jonathan Young
1st French broadcasting : 1995
1st French broadcasting channel : TF1
Cartoon Author : Disney
Production : Disney

Good links
Chaîne Youtube de Jonathan young

form added by coucoucircus.
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