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Cartoons - Catdog (Michat-Michien - Générique VO)    twitter 

One fine day there was a woof and a purr
A baby was born and it caused a little stir
No blue buzzard, no three eyed frog
Just a feline/canine little CatDog

CatDog ! CatDog !
Alone in the world is the little CatDog !

Out on the road or back in town
All kind of critters putting CatDog down
Gotta rise above it, gotta try to get along
Gotta walk together, gotta sing this song

CatDog ! CatDog !
Alone in the world is the little Catdog !

CatDog ! CatDog !
Alone in the world is the little CatDog !

Catdog - Michat-Michien - Générique VO

Cartoons - Infos
Origin : Etats-Unis
Original title : Catdog
Number of episodes : 134
Performer : Randy Crenshaw
Music composer : Denis M. Hannigan
1st French broadcasting : 4 Septembre 1999
1st French broadcasting channel : France 3
Cartoon Author : Peter Hannan
Production : Peter Hannan Productions, Nickelodeon

Good links
Planète Jeunesse
Des coloriages Michat-Michien ^^

form added by Tigrette.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

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