le player de génériques

Cartoons - (64, Rue du Zoo - Anglais)    twitter 

Sixty-four, sixty-four, Sixty-four Zoo lane
Sixty-four, sixty-four, Sixty-four Zoo lane

There is on with a hump
And one who can jump
And one who is
Well a little bit plump

Sixty-four, sixty-four, Sixty-four Zoo lane

Some like it hot
And some like it chilly
And some like it
Both way but that's a bit silly

Sixty-four, sixty-four, Sixty-four Zoo lane

Some are friendly
Some are scarry
And one thing it sure not
One is ordinary

Sixty-four, sixty-four, Sixty-four Zoo lane

Some are spotty
Some are stripy
They're prickly and wolly
And furry and slimy

Some are quite big
And some very small
And the last one's Georgina
Who is incredibly tall !

Sixty-four, sixty-four, Sixty-four Zoo lane
Sixty-four, sixty-four, Sixty-four Zoo lane


Sixty-four, sixty-four, Sixty-four Zoo lane

Some are spotty
Some are stripy
They're prickly and wolly
And furry and slimy

Some are quite big
And some very small
And the last one's Georgina
Who is incredibly tall !

Sixty-four, sixty-four, Sixty-four Zoo lane
Sixty-four, sixty-four, Sixty-four Zoo lane

Sixty-four, sixty-four, Sixty-four Zoo lane
Sixty-four, sixty-four, Sixty-four Zoo lane

 - 64, Rue du Zoo - Anglais

Cartoons - Infos
Origin : France
Number of episodes : 52x11 min
Music composer : Rowland Lee
1st French broadcasting : 2000
1st French broadcasting channel : La Cinquième
Cartoon Author : An Vrombaut
Production : Millimages, Zoo Lane Productions Ltd, Canal J

Good links
Planète Jeunesse
64, Rue du Zoo

form added by Tigrette.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Quand un futur "expert new-yorkais" rencontre une future "agent du FBI" sur l'île de Glory, c'est pour enquêter sur d'évènements étranges. Saurez vous donner le titre de cette série ?
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