le player de génériques

Variety - (Alpha Blondy)    twitter 

Sweet sweet Fanta Diallo
Ouh, ouh, Fanta Diallo
Sweet sweet Fanta Diallo
Ouh, ouh, Fanta Diallo

Fanta walking on the rainbow now!
Fanta shivering in moon light waves
Fanta hugging me on the mountain top
Fanta kissing me on the burning rocks

Sweet sweet Fanta Diallo
Ouh, ouh, Fanta Diallo
Sweet sweet Fanta Diallo
Ouh, ouh, Fanta Diallo

One day, one day Fanta flee away
With the sun
One day, one day, Fanta ,melt away
Under the sun

One day, one day Fanta flee away
With the sun
One day, one day, Fanta ,melt away
Under the sun

Over and over I guess
She melt away under the sun
Over and over again I guess
She melt away under the sun

Over and over I guess
She melt away under the sun
Over again, over again
Over and over again and again

I keep on wondering
Where she's gone
Where she's gone, gone, gone

I keep on wondering everyday
I keep on wondering
Where she's gone
Where she's gone, gone

Sweet sweet Fanta Diallo
Ouh, ouh, Fanta Diallo
Sweet sweet Fanta Diallo
Ouh, ouh, Fanta Diallo

Fanta walking on the rainbow now!
Fanta kissing me on the burning rocks
Fanta kissing me in the candlelight
Fanta hugging me on the burning rocks

Sweet sweet Fanta Diallo
Ouh, ouh, Fanta Diallo
Sweet sweet Fanta Diallo
Ouh, ouh, Fanta Diallo

Sweet sweet Fanta Diallo
Ouh, ouh, Fanta Diallo
Sweet sweet Fanta Diallo
Ouh, ouh, Fanta Diallo

One day, one day Fanta flee away
With the sun
One day, one day, Fanta melt away
Under the sun

One day, one day Fanta flee away
With the sun
The last time I saw her
Psychiatric hospital, psychiatric hospital
Psychiatric hospital, psychiatric hospital

Now I know that I did you wrong
Now I know I did you wrong, wrong, wrong
Now I know I did you wrong
Now I know I did you wrong, wrong, wrong
Now I know I did you wrong
Now I know I did you wrong, wrong, wrong

Yes, I love you rainbow
And I love you rainbow, ray
Yes, I love you rainbow, rainbow ray
Yes, I love you rainbow ray
Never leave me rainbow

You got to lead me rainbow ray
Please help me rainbow
You got to lead me rainbow ray
Please help me rainbow
You got to lead me rainbow ray

 - Sweet fanta diallo

Variety - Infos
Date : 1987
Performer : Alpha Blondy
Music composer : Alpha Blondy

form added by coucoucircus.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  L'air est le même que celui chanté par deux petits elfes, gambadant en fleurs-culottes dans la grande forêt, et dans une série charmante. Laquelle ?
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