le player de génériques

Variety - (F.R. David)    twitter 

Said goodbye when I left
To your answering machine
Then you jumped in a plane
Girl, you know what I mean

Pick up the phone, oh yeah
Pick up the phone, oh please
I need your voice again
Hearing your voice again

Waiting so many years
Feeling closer to you
Not a sign, not a trace
Baby, what can I do?

Pick up the phone, oh yeah
Pick up the phone, oh please
I need your voice again
Hearing your voice again

Pick up the phone, let me know
I don't want to lose you, girl
Don't hang up, get in touch
Fill the shadow in my life
What you're doing now

Intercommunication via satellite
You can call me long distance
Whatever you like

Pick up the phone, oh yeah
Pick up the phone, oh please
I need your voice again
Hearing your voice again

Pick up the phone, let me know
I don't want to lose you, girl
Don't hang up, get in touch
Fill the shadow in my life

What you're doing now
Can't we straighten it out?
Won't you speak your heart?

What you're doing now
Can't we straighten it out?
Won't you speak your heart?

Won't you speak your heart
Can't we straighten it out?
What you're doing now

 - Pick up the phone

Variety - Infos
Date : 1982
Performer : F.R. David

form added by fulguropoings.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

Question subsidiaire... ;)
  J'ai découvert un autre monde et je ne peux en parler à personne. J'en ai ramené une amie et nous passons d'un monde à l'autre pour tenter de contrer une rousse maléfique, avide de pouvoir. Notre ennemie fait partie d'un cercle très fermé, lequel ?
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