le player de génériques

Variety - (Nick Kamen)    twitter 

I promised myself, I promised I'll wait for you
The midnight hour, I know you'll shine on through

I promised myself, I promised I'll wait for you
The midnight hour, I know you'll shine on through
I promised myself, I promised the world to you
I gave you flowers, you made my dreams come true

How many of us out there
Feel the need to run and look for shelter?

I promised myself that I'd said a prayer for you
A brand new tomorrow where all you wish comes true
I promised myself that I'd make it up to you
My sister and brother know I'm in love with you

How many of us out there
Feel the pain of losing what was once there?
God i know what people say about her
No mistake, who can live without love

I promised myself, I promised I'll wait for you
The midnight hour, I know you'll shine on through
I promised myself, I promised the world to you
I gave you flowers, you made my dreams come true
I promised myself

 - I Promised Myself

Variety - Infos
Date : 1990
Performer : Nick Kamen

form added by coucoucircus.
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