le player de génériques

Variety - (Don Johnson)    twitter 

If you want, something to play with
Go and find yourself a toy
Baby my time, is too expensive
And I'm not a little boy

If you are serious
Don't play with my heart
It makes me furious
But if you want me, to love you
Then a baby I will, girl you know that I will

Tell it like it is
Don't be ashamed, to let your conscience be your guide
But IIIiiiii
Know deep down inside me
I believe you love me, forget your foolish pride

Life is too short to have sorrow
You may be here today and gone tomorrow
You might as well get... what you want
So go on and live, baby go on and live

Tell it like it is
I'm nothing to play with
Go and find yourself a toy
Tell it like it is
My time is too expensive and I'm not your little boy

Tell it like it is
Don't be ashamed, let your conscience be your guide
But I...
Deep down inside me
I believe you love me, forget your foolish pride

(Tell it like it is)
Got tell it (tell it)
Tell it (tell it) (tell it)
Forget you foolish pride
Got to believe that you love me
Tell it like it is
Don't play with my heart
Baby baby

 - Tell It Like It is

Variety - Infos
Date : 1989
Performer : Don Johnson

form added by coucoucircus.
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