le player de génériques

Variety - (Cock Robin)    twitter 

Things aren't quite as they seem
Inside my domain
You can't know about everything
Only pleasure and pain

You wonder why I come here
With head to my hands
Where else can I be cured
And the king of your mansion

A thorn in your side
A child to protect
That claims he's free

Just around the corner
Half a mile to heaven
Strong enough to hold you
Starved for some affection
Darling, come quickly
Come ease my mind
For my prayers have not been answered in a long time

I've already made my bed
Like it or not
As long as there's no regrets
I'll be here when the ride stops

These comforts to me
And these crosses to bear
With which we live

Just around the corner
Half a mile to heaven
Strong enough to hold you
Starved for some affection
Baby, I can't drag you into this mess

I'm the thorn in your side
And the child to protect

And I'm just around the comer
Half a mile to heaven, oh
Oh, Strong enough to hold you
Starved for some affection
Darling, come quickly
Come ease my worried mind
For my prayers have not been answered in a long time

Some just around the corner, jeh
Some strong enough to hold you
Half a mile to heaven, jeh
Just around the corner

 - Just around the corner

Variety - Infos
Date : 1987
Album : After Here Through Midland
Origin : États-Unis
Performer : Cock Robin

form added by fulguropoings.
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  Je fais partie de la grande famille des dessins animés romantico-sportifs, et je parle de volley-ball. Facile, non ?
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