le player de génériques

Variety - (Miami Sound Machine)    twitter 

(Bad boy, bad boy, bad boy, bad boy)
(Boys will be boys, bad boy, bad boy
Boys will be boys, bad boy, bad boy)

(Boys will be boys)
Always get so restless
(Bad boy, bad boy)
(Boys will be boys)
Nothin' but trouble
(Bad boy, bad boy)

(Boys will be boys)
If you're feelin' breathless
(Bad boy, bad boy)
(Boys will be boys)
Nothin' but trouble
(Bad boy, bad boy)

Bad, bad, bad, bad boy
You make me feel so good
You naughty bad, bad, bad, bad, boy
You make me feel so good, knew you would

The way you hold me tight
You get me so excited
You do me, oh, so right
My heart goes beat beat, beat beat, beat beat

Bad, bad, bad, bad boy
You make me feel so good
I want you, bad, bad, bad, bad, boy
You make me feel so good, knew you would

And when he drives me home
I feel safe at night
You call me on the phone
It goes ring, ring, ring, ring-a-ring, ring

(Boys will be boys, bad boy, bad boy
Boys will be boys, bad boy, bad boy)

(Boys will be boys)
Always get so restless
(Bad boy, bad boy)
(Boys will be boys)
Nothin' but trouble
(Bad boy, bad boy)

(Boys will be boys)
If you're feelin' breathless
(Bad boy, bad boy)
(Boys will be boys)
Nothin' but trouble
(Bad boy, bad boy)

 - Bad Boy

Variety - Infos
Date : 1985
Performer : Miami Sound Machine

form added by coucoucircus.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

Question subsidiaire... ;)
  L'air est le même que celui chanté par deux petits elfes, gambadant en fleurs-culottes dans la grande forêt, et dans une série charmante. Laquelle ?
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