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Variety - (Johnny Clegg & Savuka)    twitter 

Copper sun sinking low
Scatterlings and fugitives
Hooded eyes and weary brows
Seek refuge in the night

They are the scatterlings of Africa
Each uprooted one
On the road to Phelamanga
Where the world began

I love the scatterlings of Africa
Each and every one
In their hearts a burning hunger
Beneath the copper sun

Ancient bones from Olduvai
Echoes of the very first cry
"Who made me here and why
Beneath the copper sun?"

African idea, African idea
Make the future clear
Make the future clear

And we are the scatterlings of Africa
Both you and I
We are on the road to Phelamanga
Beneath a copper sky

And we are the scatterlings of Africa
On a journey to the stars
Far below, we leave forever
Dreams of what we were

 - Scatterlings Of Africa

Variety - Infos
Date : 1982
Performer : Johnny Clegg & Savuka

form added by coucoucircus.
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