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Cartoons - (Disney - Winter Wonderland)    twitter 

Over the ground lies a mantle of white
A heaven of diamonds shine down through the night
Two hearts are thrilling
In spite of the chill in the weather

Love knows no season love knows no clime
Romance can blossom any old time
Here in the open
We're walking and hoping together

Sleigh bells ring are you listening
In the lane snow is glistening
A beautiful sight we're happy tonight
Walking in a winter wonderland

Gone away is the bluebird
Here to stay is a new bird
He sings a love song as we go along
Walking in a winter wonderland

In the meadow we can build a snowman
And pretend that he is Parson Brown
He'll say, "Are you married?" we'll say, "No, man"
But you can do the job when you're in town

Later on we'll conspire
As dream by the fire
To face unafraid the plans that we made
Walking in a winter wonderland

In the meadow we can build a snowman
And pretend that he's a circus clown
We'll have lots of fun with Mr. Snowman
Until the other kiddies knock him down

When it snows ain't it thrilling
Though your nose gets a chilling
We'll frolic and play the Eskimo way
Walking in a winter wonderland

 - Disney - Winter Wonderland

Cartoons - Infos
Origin : Etats-Unis
Performer : Disney
Cartoon Author : Disney

form added by fulguropoings.
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